Become one of our social media Brand Ambassadors
Get exposure on our social media channels and make money while doing it!

Free Ultra Bee Brands products
Discount code for your followers
Commission on follower’s purchases
Be the first to try new Ultra Bee Brands products
Contribute to Ultra Bee Brands product development
Chance at Brand Ambassador of the year prize & status
Receive exclusive event invitations
What you get as an Ultra Bee Ambassador
- We require you to be active in the social media space, with regular posts and a solid follower base. Think you have what it takes? If so, complete the application below to see if you qualify.
- Have an engaging blog within the cosmetic or beauty space.
- You will be required to post, promote, tag our website shop, or products regularly. This does not have to be intrusive to your platforms in anyway.
- You truly are interested in making an impact.
The intention is to build a mutually beneficial relationship, whereby you earn commission by simply talking about our products on your platforms.
- Your followers trust you, therefore you have the power to influence them by talking about our products
- Continue with your current strategy, as we don’t want to interfere with your success
- Where appropriate add your unique URL (affiliate link) to drive traffic to our site
- Post HONESTLY about our products which you have chosen to try
Enter your name, email and a short motivation, why you want to work with us by becoming our brand ambassador. Should you quality for the next round, we send you an email containing a link and an info sheet, which we kindly ask you to read though it and answer the questions carefully.
Your answers will decide your suitability for our brand and vision.
We hope you understand, we can only accept individuals who are in line with our vision.
This program is subject to the Terms and Conditions, found here